среда, 1. август 2018.

My poster Don Giovanni is selected for the International Poster Biennial in Mexico

My poster Freedom of Speech is selected for Shut Up - Voice of Democracy in Danger Exhibiton

My poster Venexiana is published in the new book Head To Toe, by Mirko Ilic and Steven Heller

This 312-page book investigates and illuminates a new generation of artists and the ways that they relate to one of art history’s most storied traditions: nude figure drawing and painting. It demonstrates the ways in which new mediums and new technologies are pushing graphic designers to previously untold heights of artistic representation, thereby cementing the graphic designer’s place alongside more traditional mediums in art history and criticism.

My poster Marry Stuard is selected for the Bienal del Cartel Bolivia

Poster for the musical The Slobodan Show

Poster for the play The Nineties

Some new Opera and Ballet posters

Poster for opera Don Giovanni

Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México

Just received the new Poster Heroes Calendar with my winning poster FeMale on the cover of January!

Poster Freedom of Speech is one of the winners of Graphic Matters - Shut Up Speak Up poster contest in Breda

Graphic Matters - Shut Up Speak Up Winner

Shut Up - Voice of Democracy in Danger, Slovakia
The End of Terrorism - International Poster Contest, Iran
Graphic Matters - Shut Up Speak Up, Breda, Netherland 
1000 crayons pour la liberté d'expression, Paris, France

Shut Up Speak Up, Graphic Matters Selection
1000 crayons pour la liberté d'expression, Paris, France

I won the Best Theatre Poster Award in Varazdin, Croatia, for the second time!

Poster for the play Richard the Third

Poster for the play Suspicious Character

Two of my posters were selected for the Golden Bee 12 Biennale of Graphic Design in Moscow


Three of my posters were selected for the first Ecuador Poster Bienal 2016

Poster for the play Marry Stuard

Opening ceremony of the Ecuador Poster Bienal 2016

Ecudaor Poster Bienal 2016
Bieanal del Cartel Bolivia 2017